Monday, January 28, 2008

Microsoft Excel For TT Organizer.

emm.. during 2007 national youth championship, i was the head of data updating result jawatankuasa.

so i try to search for free software in d internet.. cant find it. ada few one but not free, they develop using access.

so i try to explore excel.. try to manipulate the built in function in d spreadsheet. then i found few ut\ility that can be used. so we used it
during that event. if u can see at d pic , there is a scrool bar for the name of the players.

the features that i utilize is the scrool bar at all d field. i create a formula so that the cell will refer to a sheet that contact all the info u need to display. so u need to update only that sheet and can use it on many others sheet.

email me if u want to file for free. tq -nashron at gmail dot com-

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