Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Dont do tis..
Perbuatan ini Allah tidak suka.
Kalau tertidur lain cerita.
Jangan masuk ke bilik air tanpa memakai alas
kaki (selipar).
Takut kalau-kalau terbawa keluar najis,
mengotori seluruh rumah kita.
Jangan makan dan minum dalam
bekas yang pecah atau sumbing.
Makruh kerana ia membahayakan.
Jangan biarkan pinggan mangkuk yang telah
digunakan tidak berbasuh.
Makruh dan mewarisi kepapaan.
Jangan tidur selepas solat Subuh, nanti
rezeki mahal
(kerana berpagi-pagi itu membuka pintu
Jangan makan tanpa membaca BISMILLAH dan doa makan.
Nanti rezeki kita dikongsi syaitan.
Jangan keluar rumah
tanpa niat untuk membuat kebaikan.
Takut-takut kita mati dalam
Jangan pakai sepatu atau selipar yang
berlainan pasangan.
Makruh dan mewarisi kepapaan.
Jangan biarkan mata liar di perjalanan.
Nanti hati kita gelap
diselaputi dosa.
Jangan menangguh taubat bila berbuat
dosa kerana mati boleh datang
bila-bila masa.
Jangan ego untuk meminta maaf pada
ibu bapa dan sesama manusia
kalau memang kita bersalah.
Jangan mengumpat sesama rakan
taulan. Nanti rosak persahabatan kita
hilang bahagia.
Jangan lupa bergantung kepada ALLAH
dalam setiap kerja kita.
Nanti kita sombong apabila berjaya.
Kalau gagal kecewa pula.
Jangan bakhil untuk bersedekah.
Sedekah itu memanjangkan umur
dan memurahkan rezeki kita.
Jangan banyak ketawa. Nanti mati jiwa.
Jangan biasakan berbohong, kerana ia adalah
ciri-ciri munafik dan
menghilangkan kasih orang kepada kita.
Jangan suka menganiaya manusia atau haiwan. Doa
makhluk yang teraniaya
cepat dimakbulkan ALLAH.
Jangan terlalu susah hati dengan urusan dunia.
Akhirat itu lebih utama
dan hidup di sana lebih lama dan kekal selamanya.
Jangan mempertikaikan kenapa ISLAM itu berkata JANGAN.
Sebab semuanya untuk keselamatan kita.
ALLAH lebih tahu apa yang terbaik
untuk hamba ciptaanNya.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
About Jin
1) Jin berasal dari Jan (Bapak Jin) dan gelarannya
Azazil. Dicipta dari api (biru), dan telah beramal
puluh ribu tahun lamanya .
2) Apabila Allah swt. memerintahkannya supaya tunduk
menghormati Nabi Adam, mereka telah ingkar. Allah swt.
melaknat dan perintah turun ke bumi.
Jin terbahagi kepada dua iaitu Jin Islam dan Syaitan.
3) Jin Islam pula terbahagi kepada dua iaitu Jin
Islam(Soleh) dan Jin Tidak Islam (Tidak Soleh).
Syaitan yang turun kesemuanya jahat (tidak Islam).
4) Makanannya dari Api (Asap). Itu sebab orang-orang
Melayu dilarang mengunakan kemenyan kerana Jin paling
suka dengan asap yang busuk. Tetapi orang-orang melayu
ini degil, suka sangat dengan asap kemenyan. Beliau
menambah, orang-orang yang suka hisap rokok itu,
adik-beradik jin lah tuu.
5) Tempat tinggal Jin seperti di awan, sungai, hutan,
lombong, laut, tempat-tempat tinggi (KLCC), tandas dan
6) Beliau menasihat apabila ingin buang air di
perjalanan (contohnya jalanraya), perlu baca " Sala
Mun, 'Ala Sulaiman, Fil 'alamin."
Mengikut sirahnya jin sangat takut dengan Nabi
Sulaiman. Orang-orang Melayu suka sangat membaca
ucapan, "Ampun Datuk, Anak cucu tumpang lalu" Masa
bila pulak jin dapat pangkat datuk. Dan masa bila
pula, kita jadi cucu cicit jin !!!!
7) Jin tidak mengetahui akan alam ghaib, itu sebab
jika ada dukun atau bomoh yang tahu menilik-nilik
nasib, pembohong...." Sirahnya apabila Nabi Sulaiman,
memerintahkan jin untuk membina istananya, sehingga
Nabi Sulaiman meninggal pun jin tidak perasan/tahu.
Semasa itu Nabi Sulaiman duduk di kerusinya dengan
tongkat kayu. Dan jin tekun membuat kerja di
hadapan-nya. Sehingga anai-anai memakan tongkatnya dan
tongkat tersebut reput dan jatuh serta Nabi Sulaiman
pun jatuh, maka barulah tahu oleh jin bahawa Nabi
Sulaiman telah mangkat.
8) Manusia juga dilarang membuang air di
lombong-lombong yang airnya tenang, terutama di waktu
tengah malam. Jin suka mandi di situ, waktu itu. Di
larang juga buang air di lubang-lubang (tanah).
9) Rumah-rumah yang lama tidak berpenghuni atau rumah
yang baru siap belum duduk lagi, jin suka tinggal di
situ. Sebelum duduk rumah baru, di galakkan membaca
surah Al-Baqarah, sehingga habis. Jin lari selama 3
hari. Tidak perlu tepung tawar bagai.... orang melayu
suka sangat menepung tawar !!!
10) Jika budak menangis tengah-tengah malam, azankan 7
~ 10 kali, jika tidak bacakan ayat Kursi dengan cara 9
kali henti (tekniknya) sebab beliau pernah jumpa orang
yang di rasuk.
* Kalau rajin..Tolong sebarkan maklumat ini kepada
saudara Muslim Muslimat yang lain. Ilmu yang
bermanfaat ialah salah satu amal yang berkekalan
bagi orang yang mengajarnya meskipun dia sudah mati.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
saya ada satu email. tp ade dalam simpanan server yg lama. nak kena gi kat server tu dlm bilik server baru boleh akses.
email tu drpd keratan akhbar drpd jordan yg memuatkan artikel drpd majlis ulama' sedunia yg berpusat di mekah.
dlm artikel berkenaan dinyatakan x boleh sebahagian besar hadiah drpd duit penyertaan drpd pemain.
yg saya faham kira kalau sebahagian kecil kira bolehlah. then saya refer kpd pengarah pusat islam kat sini.. depa pun sependapat dgn artikel berkenaan. yg saya faham utk hadiah kena ada sumber lain. mungkin sponsor kot. kalau duit penyertaan pemain tu yg saya faham utk sebahagian kecil utk hadiah x pe.. or guna utk kegunaan ramai mcm bola kejohanan ke sewa dewan ke.. air minuman pemain ke x de masalah kot.
tu la nak kena yg arif ulas psl benda ne. benda2 camne x leh kita nak guna logik akal .. kena based kpd ilmu. nak kena tanya org yg berilmu.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Acoustic vs Dr Neubeaur Firewall Plus
brief info.
dr neubaeur firewall plus
5 ply wood.. with balsa core in the mdiddle. tebalnya dua kali ganda acoustic. it is almost one ply wood but upper ply is just to balance the blade to make it an allround blade.
nittaku acoustic
5 ply wood.. with special manufacturing technology.
Overall Results. April 2008.
Skill Nittaku Acoustic vs Dr Neubaeur Firewall Plus
1. Smashing 0 - 1
2. Top Spin (far) 0 - 1
3. Top Spin (near) 1 - 0
3. Block 0 - 1
4. Counter Attack 1 - 0
5. Long play 1 - 0
6. Short play 0 - 1
7. Serves 1 - 1
8. Cut 1 - 0
Nittaku Acoustic with butterfly solcion 2.1 fh & bh
Dr Neubaeur Firewall Plus with bryce fx 1.9 fh and bryce fx 2.1 bh (seal with varanthne)
Best of The Best
The lanky Wang has the strongest muscle groups as a table tennis player, which is the result of years of hard training. He is the physically strongest in Asia and has agility rarely seen in European players. He hits the ball early and has a killer forehand drive with precision. Unlike traditional Chinese topspin players who are dangerous only while playing close to the table, Wang is as deadly close to the table as away from.
Best backhand: Kalinikos Kreanga, Greece
Before playing table tennis, Kreanga practiced gymnastics. No wonder why he can flex his arm in his backhand loop in a way that nobody else can. He is rather below average height. With his small size he can afford to make longer strokes, because he can get ready for the next shot easier. If you are average height, and attempt his shots, there is no way you could make them consistently with his kind of power.
Best serve: Liu Guoliang, China
No one has reached Liu Guoliang's height in terms of serving with pips-in and pips-out rubbers. He is able to add strong spin to his serves, especially his forehand backspin serve. With nearly the same flick of the wrist, Liu can serve with forehand rubber and backhand rubber, serve lefty topspin and backspin, righty topspin and backspin. He can easily set up for killer smashes with a slew of wicked serves.
Best receive: Liu Guoliang, China
Liu has different ways to receive serves. He can loop, smash, push, chop-block and flip serves. He can receive with either forehand or backhand, long or short, straight or diagonal. More important, he has a perfect touch. Also nominated: Jan-Ove Waldner(Sweden), Kong Linghui (China)
Best short ball: Ma Lin
While Liu Guoliang has the best receive, Ma Lin is the most consistent and dangerous in short returns. He has the best control and connection in short balls.
Best footwork: Ryu Seung Min, South Korea
South Koreans, mostly playing with pip-in rubber in the penhold grip, have the best footwork in the world. Ryu covers as much space as Kim Taek Soo but is even faster and has better judgment than his compatriot. He is more aggressive because he plays closer to the table than Kim.
Best tactics: Liu Guoliang, China; Ryu Seung Min, South Korea
Around 1995, Liu Guoliang was the most tactics-conscious in the world. In the 21st century, Ryu has caught up with the Chinese. In the 2004 Olympics, Ryu used the well-thought tactics to beat immensely experienced Swede Jan-Ove Waldner and Chinese upstart Wang Hao to win the singles gold medal. Liu is faster than Ryu but the South Korean is bolder in tactics execution.
Best choppers: Ding Song, China; Joo Se Hyuk, South Korea
South Korean Joo Se Hyuk and Chinese Ding Song are the best and most crowd-pleasing defensive players in the world. Ding brought a revolutionary style to the sport by mixing chops with loops and counter-drives. Ding has a good serve and has a sudden and strong forehand drive. Joo has modern active defensive play with a great backhand chop and an enormous forehand topspin.
Best block: Chiang Peng-Lung, Chinese Taipei
Chiang has the most consistent backhand block among the penholders. His jab-block is good enough to offset heavy-spin drives.
Monday, April 7, 2008
1-ply, and the other being a 7 ply
Speed of the blade is dependent on several factors:
- Density of the wood
- Thickness of the blade
- Moisture content
With one ply Hinoki blades on the top of all off this we have to take the number of lines per linear inch of its with. So as you can see asking what blade is faster is not an easy thing to do and give the answer. As both blades will be fast I would like to think that one ply will have the edge in terms of hitting flat balls , blocking and game where quick hitting exchanges are needed, while 7 pls will be better for spins and drops and short game at the table .As you move away of the table 4-6 feet 1 ply blade will tend to start fading away while the 7 ply even away of the table will still be in focus and power will be there. So it really depends an what are you going to use it for and what game do you play. One ply blade in time aside from having great feel will become lighter while 7 ply will not loose in its weight so much.One ply blade is used buy the hitter's who like to flat hit but 5,7,9 plys are used buy the spiner's but this is only a general separation.
Strategy againts long pimple player.
Although there is some merit to the advice of avoiding hardbat and other unusual styles of play at your stage of learning, eventually you will play all different styles and lose. I have taken many, many games off better players simply because they have no idea what to do with my style of play (at least for a game or two), which until recently has been Seemiller. You can avoid me, or deal with me.
Advice: avoid me and hardbat and basically any unusual strokers until you have your basics down, then play everyone and figure out how to win. It will make your game more versatile and you will learn strategies that will help you take points from conventional as well as non-conventional players.
*Sometimes it's hard for me to find good practice/drill partners. Everyone says I throw off their timing and I don't hit deep enough for them to sit back and practice their looping. I can skim the net about half the time. :-). Well, RoboPong rarely complains!
**YES, fast backhand sidespin serves seem to be a problem for the sandpaper players.