Saturday, February 2, 2008

Modified - Dr Neubaeur Blade.

cter dia camne.. tommy ne beli blade dr ne. pastu dia rasa berat.. so dia potong blade tu bagi normal size haha.. emm do i hv to do that???

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I chopped up Dr. Neubauer!
Posted: 11/02/2007 at 1:25am
I bought two Dr. Neubauer Bulldozers, tried one, like it, but found it a bit too heavy. So, I made a standard size template, got out the power tools and created a new, lightweight standard size Doc. I also shortened the handle. The angle of the pic makes it look uneven, but it's actually dead on straight. It used to be 90 grams. Now it's under 80. I haven't glued up yet, but I will this weekend. BTW, the new one is up for sale on another post of mine. This is a really cheap way to have a high-priced top of the line balsa blade that has some pop to it!! I can't wait to do some spanking.


Thanks for the thumbs-up my friends. I'm kinda proud of this one. It looks even better in person. The pic is from an angle and makes one side looks different, but it's dead on. I made a template from my Clipper and cut to that with a jig saw, then used a pad sander with fine grade paper, followed by hand sanding with a extra fine grade sanding sponge. Finally, I sealed it. To shorten the handle I layed the blade flat on my TT Table and sanded it down with the sander. I wasn't sure what would happend when sanding the cork, but it worked.

The inner ply is balsa.

It's light now . . . maybe even under 80grams. It was too freakin' heavy for me and the handle was made for Big Foot. Not any more!!!!
Blade: MC1+Acoustic+Strad.
Rubbers: Globe 999 on Quattro tx w/Euci Oil/Elmer's + Dr.Evil/Glue Sheet


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